Fiduciary Statement


What is a fiduciary?

The term “fiduciary” is a good thing to hear if you’re searching for a financial advisor. Fiduciary duty eliminates conflict of interest concerns and makes a fiduciary’s advice more trustworthy.

The term usually refers to someone who manages assets on the behalf of an individual, a family or a company. Fiduciary duty is a legal responsibility to put the interests of another party before your own. If someone has a fiduciary duty to you, he or she must act solely in your financial interests.

Why it is so Important

Choosing a fiduciary financial advisor can give you greater peace of mind.  With an independent fiduciary financial advisor, you’ll know that the person managing your money must make decisions in your best interest. In general, fiduciary financial advisors tend to have fewer conflicts of interest, and they’re required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that they do have.

Financial professionals who earn commissions may be incentivized to sell their own products even if there are comparable products available at a lower cost. Fiduciaries must seek the best prices and terms for their clients. Thus, if you work with a fiduciary you’re more likely to end up with advice that’s truly right for you.